
class TotalDepth.common.statistics.LengthDict

Provides statistics about a summary of lengths such as file lengths or logical data lengths.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__len__() → int

Number of distinct length entries.

__getitem__(item) → int

Returns the count of a particular length. Does not write to the dict.


Minimum length.


Maximum length.


Return the total number of entries.


Return the number of length zero.

keys() → KeysView[int]

Return the keys (lengths seen).

add(length: int)

Add a length to the summary.

reduced_power_2() → DefaultDict[int, int]

Return a histogram with keys reduced to power of 2.

histogram_power_of_2(width: int = 40, bar_char: str = '+') → List[str]

Return the count of zero and a histogram of strings of the lengths to power of 2.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)