
Strip TIF markers from a file or scan a file and reporting errors in TIF markers.

exception TotalDepth.DeTif.DeTifException

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

exception TotalDepth.DeTif.DeTifExceptionCompare
exception TotalDepth.DeTif.DeTifExceptionRead
class TotalDepth.DeTif.TifMarker(tell, type, prev, next)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3

__str__() → str

Return str(self).


Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, tell: int, type: int, prev: int, next: int)

Create new instance of TifMarker(tell, type, prev, next)


Return a nicely formatted representation string

TotalDepth.DeTif.compare_next(this: TotalDepth.DeTif.TifMarker, nxt: TotalDepth.DeTif.TifMarker) → None

Compares two adjacent TIF markers for consistency.

TotalDepth.DeTif.has_tif_file(fobj: BinaryIO) → bool

Returns True of the file in path apparently has TIF markers.

TotalDepth.DeTif.has_tif(path: str) → bool

Returns True of the file in path apparently has TIF markers.

TotalDepth.DeTif.tif_scan_file_object(fobj: BinaryIO) → List[TotalDepth.DeTif.TifMarker]

Scan a file object and return the list of TIF markers.

TotalDepth.DeTif.tif_scan_path(path: str) → List[TotalDepth.DeTif.TifMarker]

Scan a file at path and return the list of TIF markers.

TotalDepth.DeTif.get_errors(tifs: List[TotalDepth.DeTif.TifMarker], file_size: int) → List[str]

Return a list of TIF marker errors.

TotalDepth.DeTif.strip_tif(file_in: BinaryIO, file_out: BinaryIO) → Tuple[int, int]

Read file_in then strip TIF markers and write to file_out. The only error detected is negative reads. Returns a tuple of (tif_markers_stripped, bytes_written).

TotalDepth.DeTif.strip_path(path_in: str, path_out: str) → Tuple[int, int]

Read path_in then strip TIF markers and write to path_out.

TotalDepth.DeTif.de_tif_file(path_in: str, path_out: str, nervous: bool, over_write: bool) → Tuple[int, int, int]

De-TIFs a file path_in writing to path_out. Returns a tuple of (files_copied, tif_count, byte_count) where files_copied is 0 or 1, tif_count is the number of 12 byte TIF markers and byte_count is the number of bytes in path_in (if no file written) or path_out if the file is written.