TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts (Common Command Line Options)

Common command line options, this is to try and present some degree of interface consistency among command line applications.

Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Paul Ross. All rights reserved.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.arg_parser(desc, prog=None, version=None, **kwargs) → argparse.ArgumentParser

Return an command line parser with the standard pre-set options.

Standard options are -h, --version and:

-k: Flag to indicate that we should keep going as far as sensible.

-l: Log level.

-v: Verbosity.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.path_in(*args, **kwargs) → argparse.ArgumentParser

Return an command line parser with the standard pre-set options plus an input path as an argument.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out(*args, **kwargs) → argparse.ArgumentParser

Return an command line parser with the standard pre-set options plus an input and output paths as an arguments.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.path_in_out_required(*args, **kwargs) → argparse.ArgumentParser

Return an command line parser with the standard pre-set options plus an input and output paths as an arguments.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.DEFAULT_OPT_LOG_LEVEL = 30

Default log level

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.DEFAULT_OPT_LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'

Default log format (terse)

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.DEFAULT_OPT_LOG_FORMAT_VERBOSE = '%(asctime)s - %(filename)-16s#%(lineno)-4d - %(process)5d - (%(threadName)-10s) - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s'

Default log format (verbose)

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.add_log_level(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, level: int = 30) → None

Adds log level to the argument parser. The value can be either an integer of a string so 20 and ‘INFO’ are equivalent.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.set_log_level(parsed_args, format: str = '%(asctime)s - %(filename)-16s#%(lineno)-4d - %(process)5d - (%(threadName)-10s) - %(levelname)-8s - %(message)s') → int

Initialise logging.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.add_multiprocessing(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) → None

Adds log level to the argument parser as –jobs.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.multiprocessing_requested(parsed_args) → bool

Returns True if the --jobs= option requires multiprocessing.

TotalDepth.common.cmn_cmd_opts.number_multiprocessing_jobs(parsed_args) → int

Returns the number of multiprocessing nodes interpreted from the``–jobs=`` option.