
This provides a file format agnostic representation of a LogPass.

  • A LogPass consists of a set of FrameArray(s).
  • A FrameArray consists of a set of FrameChannel(s).
  • A FrameChannel consists of a set of values in a Numpy array of any shape from a single recorded channel.
exception TotalDepth.common.LogPass.ExceptionLogPassBase

General exception for problems with this module.

exception TotalDepth.common.LogPass.ExceptionLogPass

General exception for problems with a LogPass object.

exception TotalDepth.common.LogPass.ExceptionFrameChannel

General exception for problems with a FrameChannel object.

exception TotalDepth.common.LogPass.ExceptionFrameArray

General exception for problems with a FrameArray object.

class TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameChannel(ident: Hashable, long_name: Union[str, bytes], units: Union[str, bytes], shape: Tuple[int, ...], np_dtype: numpy.dtype)

This represents a single channel in a frame. It is file format independent and can be used depending on the source of the information: LIS/LAS/RP66V1 file, XML index, Postgres database etc.

__init__(ident: Hashable, long_name: Union[str, bytes], units: Union[str, bytes], shape: Tuple[int, ...], np_dtype: numpy.dtype)


  • ident – Some hashable identity.
  • long_name – A description of the channel
  • units – Units of Measure.
  • shape – A list of dimensions of each value. [1] is a single value per frame. [4, 1024] is a 4 * 1024 matrix such as sonic waveform of 1024 samples with 4 waveforms per frame.
  • np_dtype – The numpy dtype to use.

Overload this if necessary, for example RP66V1 has an OBNAME.

__str__() → str

Return str(self).


Gets the value in the numpy array where key is a tuple of integers of length self.dimensions. For example this might be from self.numpy_indexes().

__setitem__(key, value)

Sets the value in the numpy array where key is a tuple of integers of length self.dimensions. For example this might be from self.numpy_indexes().

init_array(number_of_frames: int) → None

Initialises an empty Numpy array suitable to fill with <frames> number of frame data for this channel. If an array already exists of the correct length it is reused.


The number of elements in the numpy array.


The size of each element of the current array as represented by numpy.


The size of a single frame in bytes as represented by numpy.

numpy_indexes(frame_number: int) → itertools.product

Returns a generator of numpy indexes for a particular frame.

Example for a 2 x 3 array, given frame index 7:

>>> list(itertools.product([7], [0,1], [0,1,2]))
[(7, 0, 0), (7, 0, 1), (7, 0, 2), (7, 1, 0), (7, 1, 1), (7, 1, 2)]
>>> list(itertools.product([7], range(2), range(3)))
[(7, 0, 0), (7, 0, 1), (7, 0, 2), (7, 1, 0), (7, 1, 1), (7, 1, 2)]

Usage, where function is a conversion function on the data:

for dim in self.numpy_indexes(frame_number):
    # dim is a tuple of length self.rank + 1
    self.array[dim] = some_value
mask_array(absent_value: Union[None, int, float]) → None

Masks the absent values.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameArray(ident: Hashable, description: Union[str, bytes])

Represents a set of channels recorded simultaneously. In the olden days we would record this on a single piece of continuous film.

Subclass this depending on the source of the information: LIS/LAS/DLIS file, XML index etc.

__init__(ident: Hashable, description: Union[str, bytes])

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

append(channel: TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameChannel) → None

Add a channel to the Array.

__str__() → str

Return str(self).

__len__() → int

The number of channels.


The total of the current frame array as represented by numpy.


The size of the internal representation of a frame as represented by numpy.


The shape of the frame array.

init_arrays(number_of_frames: int) → None

Initialises empty Numpy arrays for each channel suitable to fill with <frames> number of frame data.

init_arrays_partial(number_of_frames: int, channels: Set[Hashable]) → None

Initialises empty Numpy arrays for each of the specified channels suitable to fill with <frames> number of frame data. The channels parameter limits the initialisation to only those channels. Unknown channels in that parameter are ignored.

mask_array(absent_value: Union[int, float]) → None

Mask the absent values in all but the index channels.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class TotalDepth.common.LogPass.LogPass

This represents the structure a single run of data acquisition such as ‘Repeat Section’ or ‘Main Log’. These runs have one or more independent simultaneous recordings of different sensors at different depth/time resolutions. Each of these simultaneous recordings is represented as a FrameArray object.

  • A LogPass consists of a set of FrameArray(s).
  • A FrameArray consists of a set of FrameChannel(s).
  • A FrameChannel consists of a set of values in a Numpy array of any shape from a single recorded channel (sensor).

This is a file format independent design. Different file formats use this in different ways:

  • LIS79 - The standard allows 2 simultaneous FrameArrays, IFLR type 0, 1. Type 1 has never been seen in the wild.
  • LAS (all versions) - The standard excludes simultaneous FrameArrays.
  • RP66V1 - The standard allows for any number of simultaneous FrameArrays and this is common.
  • DAT - No simultaneous FrameArrays.
  • BIT - Custom and practice shows that there can be any number of simultaneous FrameArrays.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

has(key: Hashable) → bool

Returns True if the key is in the Frame Array Map.

keys() → Iterable[T_co]

The identities of the Frame Arrays.

append(frame_array: TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameArray) → None

Add a channel to the Array.

__str__() → str

Return str(self).

__len__() → int

The number of Frame Arrays.

__getitem__(item: Union[int, str, bytes]) → TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameArray

The Frame Array by index or ID.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)