Processing LAS Files

Reading a LAS File Log Data

There is some example files in example_data/LAS/data, lets read one:

from TotalDepth.LAS.core import LASRead

las_file_path = os.path.join('example_data', 'LAS', 'data', 'BASIC_FILE_0_50.las')
las_file = LASRead.LASRead(las_file_path, las_file_path, raise_on_error=False)
# If there is an array section it will be initialised as a LogPass.FrameArray
if las_file.frame_array is not None:
    # Can iterate through the channels...
    for channel in las_file.frame_array.channels:
        # channel.array is a numpy masked array.
        array = channel.array
        print(f'{channel.ident:4} [{channel.units:4}] Shape: {array.shape} Minimum: {array.min():8g}')

The output will typically be:

DEPT [m   ] Shape: (649, 1) Minimum:   2889.4
TENS [lbs ] Shape: (649, 1) Minimum:  5292.04
ETIM [min ] Shape: (649, 1) Minimum:    0.019
DHTN [lbs ] Shape: (649, 1) Minimum:  2562.92
GR   [api ] Shape: (649, 1) Minimum:   43.201


The LogPass.FrameArray is universal, but LAS can only represent one value per frame per channel. To access that value you need to use array[frame_index][0].


FrameArray: TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameArray


Complete this.