Processing Western Atlas BIT Files

Reading a BIT File Log Data

Suppose that we have a file in ~/tmp/BIT.bit and you want to read the frame data from a particular log pass, first import what we need:

>>> from TotalDepth.BIT import ReadBIT
>>> import os

Then read the BIT file:

>>> fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/tmp/BIT.bit')
>>> frame_arrays = ReadBIT.create_bit_frame_array_from_path(fpath)
>>> frame_arrays
[<TotalDepth.BIT.ReadBIT.BITFrameArray object at 0x10f7041c0>, <TotalDepth.BIT.ReadBIT.BITFrameArray object at 0x10f6d6880>]

In this file there is are two frame arrays, we can get the description of the first one using long_str():

>>> print(frame_arrays[0].long_str())
BITFrameArray: ident="0"
   Unknown head: b'\x00\x02\x00\x00'
    Description: b'SHELL EXPRO U.K.      24 OCT 84      MANSFIELD/DODDS                    '
      Unknown A: b'\x00\n\x00\x18\x00'
      Unknown B: b'T  2 9 / 1 0 - 3                                                           '
      Unknown C: b'\x00\x12\x00\x0b\x00\x06  '
  Channels [10]: ['COND', 'SN  ', 'SP  ', 'GR  ', 'CAL ', 'TEN ', 'SPD ', 'ACQ ', 'AC  ', 'RT  ']
   BIT Log Pass: LogPassRange(depth_from=14950.000891089492, depth_to=14590.000869631818, spacing=0.2500000149011621, unknown_a=0.0, unknown_b=16.000000953674373)
   Unknown tail: b'MN239J 1'
    Frame count: 1472
    Frame array:       FrameArray: ID: 0 b'SHELL EXPRO U.K.      24 OCT 84      MANSFIELD/DODDS                    '
        <FrameChannel: 'X   ' "Computed X-axis" units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'COND' "COND" units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'SN  ' "SN  " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'SP  ' "SP  " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'GR  ' "GR  " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'CAL ' "CAL " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'TEN ' "TEN " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'SPD ' "SPD " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'ACQ ' "ACQ " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'AC  ' "AC  " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>
        <FrameChannel: 'RT  ' "RT  " units: 'b''' count: 1 dimensions: (1,) frames: 1472>

To get the actual vales in the frame we can access the numpy array directly, either by channel ordinal or by name (spaces are significant):

>>> sp = frame_arrays[0].frame_array['SP  '].array
       [ 9.99999962e-05],
       [ 9.99999962e-05],
       [ 9.99999962e-05]])

Now, if you are familiar with numpy then all normal operations are possible, for example get the min:

>>> sp.min()


The LogPass.FrameArray is universal, but BIT can only represent one value per frame per channel. To access that value you need to use array[frame_index][0].


BITFrameArray: TotalDepth.BIT.ReadBIT.BITFrameArray

FrameArray: TotalDepth.common.LogPass.FrameArray