TotalDepth.util.DirWalk (Directory Walking)

Provides various ways of walking a directory tree

Created on Jun 9, 2011

class TotalDepth.util.DirWalk.FileInOut(filePathIn, filePathOut)

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

static __new__(_cls, filePathIn: str, filePathOut: str)

Create new instance of FileInOut(filePathIn, filePathOut)


Return a nicely formatted representation string

exception TotalDepth.util.DirWalk.ExceptionDirWalk

Exception class for this module.


Generator that yields the biggest files (name not path) first. This is fairly simple in that it it only looks the current directory not only sub-directories. Useful for multiprocessing.

TotalDepth.util.DirWalk.dirWalk(theIn: str, theOut: str = '', theFnMatch: str = '', recursive: bool = False, bigFirst: bool = False) → Sequence[TotalDepth.util.DirWalk.FileInOut]

Walks a directory tree generating file paths as FileInOut(in, out) objects.

theIn - The input directory.

theOut - The output directory. If an empty string the out path will be an empty string. NOTE: This does not create the output directory structure, it is up to the caller to do that.

theFnMatch - A glob like match pattern for file names (not tested for directory names).

recursive - Boolean to recurse or not.

bigFirst - If True then the largest files in directory are given first. If False it is alphabetical.