LAS Command Line Tools

This describes the command line tools that are available for processing LAS files.

LAS Command Line Tools
Tool Name Description
tdlastohtml Generates a HTML page(s) about LAS file(s). Link
tdlasreadlasfiles Summarises LAS file(s). Link

Summarise LAS Files in HTML with tdlastohtml

Generates HTML from input LAS file or directory to an output destination.


  1. The path to the input LAS file or directory.
  2. The path to the output file or directory, any directories will be created as necessary.


-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program’s version number and exit
-k, --keep-going
 Keep going as far as sensible. Default: False.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity, additive [default: 0]
-r, --recurse Process the input recursively. Default: False.
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
 Log Level as an integer or symbol. (0<->NOTSET, 10<->DEBUG, 20<->INFO, 30<->WARNING, 40<->ERROR, 50<->CRITICAL) [default: 20]
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
 Max processes when multiprocessing.Zero uses number of native CPUs [8]. Negative value disables multiprocessing code. Default: -1.
--frame-slice FRAME_SLICE
 Do not process all frames but sample or slice the frames. SAMPLE: Sample is of the form “N” so a maximum of N frames, roughly regularly spaced, will be processed. N must be +ve, non-zero integer. Example: “64” - process a maximum of 64 frames. SLICE: Slice the frames is of the form start,stop,step as a comma separated list. Values can be absent or “None”. Examples: “,,” - every frame, “,,2” - every other frame, “,10,” - frames 0 to 9, “4,10,2” - frames 4, 6, 8, “40,-1,4” - every fourth frame from 40 to the end. Results will be truncated by frame array length. Use ‘?’ to see what frames are available [default: “,,” i.e. all frames]
--log-process LOG_PROCESS
 Writes process data such as memory usage as a log INFO line every LOG_PROCESS seconds. If 0.0 no process data is logged. [default: 0.0]
--gnuplot GNUPLOT
 Directory to write the gnuplot data.
-g, --glob File match pattern. Default: None.


Command to process a directory of LAS:

$ tdlastohtml example_data/LAS/data/ example_data/LAS/HTML/


$ tdlastohtml example_data/LAS/data/ example_data/LAS/HTML/
Cmd: /Users/paulross/pyenvs/TotalDepth_3.8_v0.3/bin/tdlastohtml example_data/LAS/data/ example_data/LAS/HTML/
gnuplot version: "b'gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 1'"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,527 -     -  440 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - scan_dir_or_file(): "example_data/LAS/data" to "example_data/LAS/HTML" recurse: False
2021-02-06 11:13:20,529 -     -  351 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Scanning file type "ASCII" from "example_data/LAS/data/.DS_Store" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/.DS_Store.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,530 -     -  351 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Scanning file type "LAS2.0" from "example_data/LAS/data/1000079714.las" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/1000079714.las.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,530 -     -  353 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - scan_a_single_file(): "example_data/LAS/data/1000079714.las" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/1000079714.las.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,614 -     -  351 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Scanning file type "LAS2.0" from "example_data/LAS/data/206_05a-_3_DWL_DWL_WIRE_258276498_0_2000T.las" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/206_05a-_3_DWL_DWL_WIRE_258276498_0_2000T.las.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,614 -     -  353 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - scan_a_single_file(): "example_data/LAS/data/206_05a-_3_DWL_DWL_WIRE_258276498_0_2000T.las" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/206_05a-_3_DWL_DWL_WIRE_258276498_0_2000T.las.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,679 -     -  351 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Scanning file type "LAS2.0" from "example_data/LAS/data/BASIC_FILE_0_50.las" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/BASIC_FILE_0_50.las.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,680 -     -  353 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - scan_a_single_file(): "example_data/LAS/data/BASIC_FILE_0_50.las" to "example_data/LAS/HTML/BASIC_FILE_0_50.las.html"
2021-02-06 11:13:20,724 -     -  382 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - _write_indexes(): result map size 4
2021-02-06 11:13:20,725 -        -  207 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Opening index file at /Users/paulross/PycharmProjects/TotalDepth/example_data/LAS/HTML/index.html
2021-02-06 11:13:20,730 -        -  240 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Completed index file at /Users/paulross/PycharmProjects/TotalDepth/example_data/LAS/HTML/index.html
2021-02-06 11:13:20,730 -     -  399 - 41351 - (MainThread) - INFO     - Wrote indexes: ['/Users/paulross/PycharmProjects/TotalDepth/example_data/LAS/HTML/index.html']
Common path: example_data/LAS/data
         Size In   Size Out     Time  Ratio %    ms/Mb Fail? Path
---------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- ----- ----
           6,148          0    0.000   0.000%      0.0 False ".DS_Store"
          80,697     12,892    0.083  15.976%   1078.0 False "1000079714.las"
          87,448     53,444    0.065  61.115%    779.8 False "206_05a-_3_DWL_DWL_WIRE_258276498_0_2000T.las"
          62,494     26,021    0.044  41.638%    736.1 False "BASIC_FILE_0_50.las"
Processed 4 files and 236,787 bytes in 0.203 s, 900.0 ms/Mb
Bye, bye!

For each file the output lists:

  • Input file.
  • Output HTML file.
  • File size.
  • Execution time.

In the output directory there will be an index.html file which has the columns:

Path File Type Sections Channels Frames STRT STOP STEP Size Time

  • The name of the LAS file.
  • LAS file type.
  • Number of sections.
  • Recorded channels.
  • Number of data frames.
  • Start of log pass.
  • End of log pass.
  • Frame step.
  • The size of the LAS file.
  • Execution time.

In the linked HTML file is a summary of the content of the LAS file.

Summarise LAS Files with tdlasreadlasfiles

Reads an input LAS file or directory and summarises it by showing mnemonics, curves and well site data.


  1. The path to the input LAS file or directory.


-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program’s version number and exit
-k, --keep-going
 Keep going as far as sensible. Default: False.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity, additive [default: 0]
-r, --recurse Process the input recursively. Default: False.
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
 Log Level as an integer or symbol. (0<->NOTSET, 10<->DEBUG, 20<->INFO, 30<->WARNING, 40<->ERROR, 50<->CRITICAL) [default: 20]
--log-process LOG_PROCESS
 Writes process data such as memory usage as a log INFO line every LOG_PROCESS seconds. If 0.0 no process data is logged. [default: 0.0]
--gnuplot GNUPLOT
 Directory to write the gnuplot data.
-m, --mnemonic Output Mnemonic map. Default: False.
-c, --curve Output Curve map. Default: False.
-u, --unit Output Units map. Default: False.
-w, --wsd Output Well Site Data map. Default: False.
-p, --param Output Parameter section mnemonics and their most popular description and a map of themnemonic frequency. Default: False.
-s, --size-time
 Output parser’s size vs time performance. Default: False.
-a, --all Output all, equivalent to -mcuwps. Default: False.


Listing Menmonics

Use the -m option to summarise the menmonics and their descriptions:

$ tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -m
Cmd: /Users/paulross/pyenvs/TotalDepth_3.8_v0.3/bin/tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -m
gnuplot version: "b'gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 1'"
----------- All  mnemonics and their (most popular) description -----------
"ALTDPCHAN"                      : "Name Of Alternate Depth Channel                                 ", # Out of 1
"AMD"                            : "Azimuth Of Maximum Deviation                                    ", # Out of 1
"AOFF"                           : "Alphanumeric To Film Flag                                       ", # Out of 1
"APD"                            : "Depth Above Pd                                                  ", # Out of 2
"API"                            : "                                                                ", # Out of 2
"APIN"                           : "Api S/N                                                         ", # Out of 2
"BG"                             : "Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg                                 ", # Out of 1
"BHS"                            : "Borehole Status                                                 ", # Out of 1
"BHT"                            : "Bottom Hole Temperature (Used In Calculations)                  ", # Out of 1
"BLI"                            : "Bottom Log Interval                                             ", # Out of 1
"BO"                             : "Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo                                 ", # Out of 1
"BPP"                            : "Bubble Point Pressure                                           ", # Out of 1

Listing Curves

Use the -c option to summarise the curves and their descriptions:

$ tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -c
Cmd: /Users/paulross/pyenvs/TotalDepth_3.8_v0.3/bin/tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -c
gnuplot version: "b'gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 1'"
--------- All Curve mnemonics and their (most popular) description --------
"DEPT"                           : "Depth Curve                                                     ", # Out of 2
"DEPT_SL"                        : "Station Logging Depth Dimensions (1,)                           ", # Out of 1
"DHTN"                           : "Dhtn/Ch Tension Dimensions (1,)                                 ", # Out of 1
"ETIM"                           : "Etim/Elapsed Time Dimensions (1,)                               ", # Out of 1
"GR"                             : "Gamma Ray                                                       ", # Out of 2
"TDEP"                           : "Second River Depth Dimensions (1,)                              ", # Out of 1
"TENS"                           : "Tens/Tension Dimensions (1,)                                    ", # Out of 1
"TENS_SL"                        : "Cable Tension Dimensions (1,)                                   ", # Out of 1
"TIME"                           : "Second River Time Dimensions (1,)                               ", # Out of 1
------ DONE: All Curve mnemonics and their (most popular) description -----

Listing Units

Use the -u option to summarise the channels and their units:

$ tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -u
Cmd: /Users/paulross/pyenvs/TotalDepth_3.8_v0.3/bin/tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -u
gnuplot version: "b'gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 1'"
------------------------- Channels and their Units ------------------------
"DEPT"     : "Counter({'F': 1, 'm': 1})",
"DEPT_SL"  : "Counter({'0.1': 1})",
"DHTN"     : "Counter({'lbs': 1})",
"ETIM"     : "Counter({'min': 1})",
"GR"       : "Counter({'GAPI': 1, 'api': 1})",
"TDEP"     : "Counter({'0.1': 1})",
"TENS"     : "Counter({'lbs': 1})",
"TENS_SL"  : "Counter({'lbf': 1})",
"TIME"     : "Counter({'ms': 1})",
---------------------- DONE: Channels and their Units ---------------------

Listing Well Site Data

Use the -w option to summarise the well site data and its frequency:

$ tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -w
Cmd: /Users/paulross/pyenvs/TotalDepth_3.8_v0.3/bin/tdlasreadlasfiles example_data/LAS/data/ -w
gnuplot version: "b'gnuplot 5.4 patchlevel 1'"
------ Count of well site mnemonics and the % of files that have them -----
"API"                            : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
"CNTY"                           : ""                                                              , #        2   66.67%
"COMP"                           : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
"CORN"                           : "Reference Section Corner For Footage"                          , #        1   33.33%
"COUN"                           : "County"                                                        , #        1   33.33%
"CTRY"                           : ""                                                              , #        2   66.67%
"DATE"                           : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
"FLD"                            : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
"FTE"                            : "Feet East From Reference Section Corner"                       , #        1   33.33%
"FTN"                            : "Feet North From Reference Section Corner"                      , #        1   33.33%
"LAT"                            : "Latitude North (Kgs,Leo3.6)"                                   , #        1   33.33%
"LEAS"                           : "Lease Name"                                                    , #        1   33.33%
"LOC"                            : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
"LON"                            : "Longitude West (Kgs, Leo3.6)"                                  , #        1   33.33%
"NULL"                           : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
"PM"                             : "Principal Meridian"                                            , #        1   33.33%
"PROV"                           : ""                                                              , #        2   66.67%
"RANG"                           : "Range"                                                         , #        1   33.33%
"SECT"                           : "Section"                                                       , #        1   33.33%
"SPOT"                           : "Spot Location"                                                 , #        1   33.33%
"SRVC"                           : ""                                                              , #        2   66.67%
"STAT"                           : "State Name"                                                    , #        3  100.00%
"STEP"                           : "Step (Average)"                                                , #        3  100.00%
"STOP"                           : "Stop Depth"                                                    , #        3  100.00%
"STRT"                           : "Start X"                                                       , #        3  100.00%
"TOWN"                           : "Township"                                                      , #        1   33.33%
"UWI"                            : ""                                                              , #        2   66.67%
"WELL"                           : ""                                                              , #        3  100.00%
--- DONE: Count of well site mnemonics and the % of files that have them --