Converting Files to LAS

Converting LIS Files to LAS

There is a command line tool tdlistolas that can convert LIS files to LAS 2.0 files. There is a tutorial here: Converting LIS Files to LAS Files with tdlistolas. This command line tool is a wrapper round the ToLAS module, the reference documentation is here: TotalDepth.LIS.ToLAS.

Converting RP66V1 Files to LAS

There is a command line tool tdrp66v1tolas that can convert RP66V1 files to LAS 2.0 files. There is a tutorial here: Converting RP66V1 Files to LAS Files with tdrp66v1tolas. This command line tool is a wrapper round the ToLAS module, the reference documentation is here: TotalDepth.RP66V1.ToLAS.

There is a technical note about the performance of this conversion here Converting RP66V1 to LAS.